This is a list of free or very low cost sealant and restorative days. These are available on a first come first serve basis, and most occur annually.


Lake Washington Technical College Sealant Day

         11605 132nd Avenue NE?       Kirkland, WA 98034

         When:       TBD

         Who: Kids age 6-12, first come first served.

         Treatment/cost: dental exam and preventive sealants, $5 a child

*Sealants are a protective material placed on the biting surfaces of permanent molar teeth to help prevent dental decay.

Sponsored by the Lake Washington Dental Hygienists’ Society of WSDHA.

Contact for more information: Danette Lindeman, RDH, BSDH


Lake Washington Technical College Restorative Day

     11605 132nd Avenue NE?       Kirkland, WA 98034

     When:       TBD

         Who: Kids age 6-12, by appointment only (referral after an exam on

         sealant day)

     Treatment/cost: restorative dental treatment, $5 a child

Sponsored by the Lake Washington Dental Hygienists’ Society of WSDHA.

Contact for more information: Sue Carroll, RDH,


FREE dental cleaning!

•Has it been too long (3-5 years or more) since your last dental cleaning?

•Has your dentist told you that you need a “deep cleaning” or “scaling and root planing”?

•Would you be interested in getting a FREE dental cleaning?

Dental Hygiene students need patients like you! Dental Hygiene students must pass a practical state board examination (cleaning a patient’s teeth) in order to become licensed in the state of Washington. Patients must meet certain criteria before being accepted as a board patient, and will be rewarded for their time if they meet the examination criteria and agree to be a board patient. Patient reliability is very important, as students count on having a patient in order to become licensed.

Please call to set up a FREE screening appointment to see if you qualify for a free dental cleaning! Or email us at